Multiple Jurisdictions. One Global Team.

Our clients have access to multi-jurisdictional services through a dedicated client relationship team. Our team provides a single point of contact for all services, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience for our clients.

United States

Silhouette map of the United States

The United States is globally renowned as the financial hub of the world. Our offices in the U.S. perform various administrative tasks such as fund accounting, financial reporting, investor relations, management of capital calls and distributions, tax support, and regulatory compliance, among others.


Silhouette map of Luxembourg

Our Luxembourg office is home to a team of multilingual experts providing administration, accounting, and reporting services. With a strategic European base, we offer financial expertise, cross-border investment opportunities, and a diverse workforce.

United Kingdom

Silhouette map of the United Kingdom

Our UK offices provide administration, accounting, financing, and regulatory services to alternative investment funds and corporate entities. We specialize in unauthorized funds, acting as an FCA-regulated fund operator, trustee, and depositary.


Silhouette map of Jersey

Our Jersey office has served the private equity sector for more than two decades, offering an array of administration, accounting, reporting, and trustee services. It provides a foothold in a jurisdiction known for its advanced financial services industry, making it an attractive option for global investors.


Silhouette map of Ireland

Our Dublin office offers a comprehensive range of corporate services to assist both our local and international clients. Ireland is a prominent hub for investment funds and a significant domicile for the cross-border distribution of funds into global markets and the EEA.

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